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QueryFilters Structure


The constructor for the QueryFilters class takes two optional arguments:

conditions: An associative array that defines the filtering conditions for the query. (optional, defaults to [])

public function __construct(array $conditions = [])


Public Methods

apply (Builder $query): This method applies the conditions defined in the conditions property to the query builder object.

Protected Methods

handleArrayCondition (Builder $query, string|int $key, array $condition): This internal method handles filtering conditions that are arrays. It analyzes the format of the array and applies the appropriate condition to the query builder object.

handleTripleCondition (Builder $query, array $condition): This internal method handles filtering conditions that are arrays with three elements. The first element represents the column, the second the comparison operator, and the third the value(s) to be compared.

handleArrayValueCondition (Builder $query, array $condition): This internal method handles filtering conditions where the value is an array. It applies the whereIn or whereNotIn condition depending on the operator used.

handleSubQueryCondition (Builder $query, string $column, Closure $subQuery): This internal method handles filtering conditions that use subqueries. The subquery is defined by a closure that is executed to construct the secondary query.

handleSubQueryConditionNot (Builder $query, string $column, Closure $subQuery): This internal method is similar to handleSubQueryCondition but is used for conditions with the NOT IN operator.

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