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Using CustomException

The CustomException can be used to throw exceptions with additional information about the error, such as a title and input data that caused the error.

Example of Use


use Oscabrera\JsonApiFormatPaginate\Exception\CustomException;

try {
    throw new CustomException(
        'Error in validation',
        'name is required',
        ['name' => null]
} catch (CustomException $e) {
    echo $e->getTitle();
    echo $e->getMessage();

CustomException Methods

  • __construct: Initializes the exception with a title, a message, optional input data, an error code, and an optional previous exception.
  • getInput: Returns the input data associated with the exception.
  • getTitle: Returns the title of the exception.
  • __toString: Returns a string representation of the exception, including the class name, error code, and error message. This class provides a structured way to handle and report errors in your application, making it easier to diagnose and correct problems.

Released under the MIT License.