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  • Automated file generation: When you run the php artisan make:repository command, the following files will be automatically generated:
    • Model (Model): The Eloquent model that defines the database table structure.
    • Repository to manage the model (Repository): Implements the repository pattern to encapsulate database access logic.
  • Option to Automated file generation
    • Service for the repository (Service): Implements the business logic for the model.
    • Controller for the service (Controller): Defines API routes and uses the service for API logic.
    • Validation requests (Request): Validates input data for controller routes.
    • Seeder (Seeder): Populates the database with sample data for testing purposes.
    • Factory (Factory): Generates dummy data for testing purposes.
  • Predefined CRUD methods: The generated Repository, Service and Controller implement the standard methods of a RESTful API:
    • create: Create a new instance of the model
    • read: Read a specific instance of the model
    • update: Update an existing instance of the model
    • delete: Delete an instance of the model
    • list: List all instances of the model
  • Defining routes with Laravel Route Attributes: Use spatie/laravel-route-attributes to clearly and concisely define routes in the controller. For example:
#[Get(uri: 'models/{id}', name: '')]
public function read(string $id): JsonResponse
    return response()->json($this->service->read($id));

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